Industry-ready Courses

Pursue your career

Explore a range of our offerings for a career in IT and Accounting

Full stack web development

Full Stack Web Development

4 hrs/week . 12 weeks

Master web development from frontend to backend and infrastructure while building real-world projects, and soft skills.

IT and System Support

IT and System Support

4 hrs/week . 12 weeks

Hands-on training in desktop support, system troubleshooting, and the latest in cybersecurity and technical support.

Accounting 12 week course


4 hrs/week . 12 weeks

Our all-inclusive Accounting course includes Accounts Payable and Receivable, Payroll, Soft-skill and personal branding, LinkedIn & Resume refinement.

Not just a job ready program. We are your Career Partner

Our industry-ready short-term courses, designed and taught by industry experts, are aimed at helping you land your next job.

But our journey does not stop there. We provide ongoing mentorship, leadership training, specialized certifications, and a great network of alumni and our partners to help you grow in your career.

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20,000 New roles in IT and Accounting are created in Australia every year

Ask Skillaroo

We understand that choosing the career partner that works for you is critical. To help you decide if skillaroo is the right fit for you, here are some top questions we get from our students.

Does skillaroo "guarantee" a job placement?

We provide you with the best possible training and support to help you land a job. We have a high placement rate for our graduates. However, we do not guarantee a job placement. We believe that the best way to land a job is to be the best candidate for the job. We will help you become the best candidate.

How do I know if Skillaroo's courses are right for me?

Come talk to us. We offer no-commitment free consultation (even repeated consultations) to any aspiring graduates or professionals. Our passionate team of instructors, mentors, and other staff would love to speak with you.

Let's chat about your career

The job market is changing rapidly. Technology is changing the way we work, and the demand for skills is shifting. Lets talk about how we can help you realize your career ambitions.