Who we are

Skillaroo's Story

Skillaroo was founded by international students who went on to become successful professionals in their respective fields. We understand the challenges faced by international students when starting their career in Australia and we are here to help you overcome them.

Not just a job ready program. We are your Career Partner

Our industry-ready short-term courses, designed and taught by industry experts, are aimed at helping you land your next job.

But our journey does not stop there. We provide ongoing mentorship, leadership training, specialized certifications, and a great network of alumni and our partners to help you grow in your career.

Get in touch
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20,000 New roles in IT and Accounting are created in Australia every year
Our Team Members

We are Skillaroo

We are a team of passionate educators and professionals who once were international students in Australia. We understand the challenges of starting a professional career and we are here to help you overcome them.

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Hari Sharma (Aakash)

Managing Director, Darwin

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Ashish Kattel

Co-founder & Director

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Bishal Sapkota

Managing Director, Melbourne

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Samarpan Bhattarai

Co-Founder & Instructor

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Yuba Raj Panta

Instructor & Advisor

Our Mentors

Mentors at Skillaroo

Skillaroo mentors help young professionals have a successful start to their careers, and progress in their career journies. Often our mentors come from similar cultural and educational background as our students.

If you are interested in mentoring a young professional with Skillaroo, view our page.

Mentoring with Skillaroo

Let's chat about your career

The job market is changing rapidly. Technology is changing the way we work, and the demand for skills is shifting. Lets talk about how we can help you realize your career ambitions.